
Her signature…

cave painting circle

on ancient cave wall
the circle, Her signature
forgotten, yet here




Woke this morning to join a silent meditation at Amritapuri (Amma’s ashram in India).

It began at 4:30 and joined a bit late but knew there was time to be present for most of it.

Turned on the stream and began to meditate. Every time i opened the eyes was astonished at the student’s meditation posture. They sit so still.

Every 15 or 20 minutes would open the eyes and once again would marvel at their capacity for stillness.

After 1 hour and 20 minutes i was feeling discouraged because i am not able to sit that still. There is always something moving with me, and the meditation seemed sooo long….

Then i noticed that the entire time the video had been on pause and had ended over 45 minutes before


Kali Ma, Om Kali Ma

Kali Ma

Kali Ma, Om Kali Ma….
When i began resonating with Amma 20 years ago i was stubborn, and kinda put my hands on the hips and put one foot in front of the other for i was so tired of organized religions and heart oriented spiritualities placed in the old skins of the hierarchal patriarch and so much soul abuse occurs in those dimensions. That entire system is sustained through separation. Oh, the places one will go in the pursuit of power over dynamism.

My stance with first meeting Amma was coming from having such a deep ‘no’ to religion, mine or her’s and my stubborn said; I am in this for real and not religion or ritual. Through the years i ‘ve learned religions that bind the hearts of unity together are really cool and spontaneous creativity is ritual and is also co-creative. . I love Amma, and she has blessed with Real

Started this wanting to share about how i experience Kali Ma energetic after being with Amma for these many years. The openness of Amma allows the many divide mother channels.

If the universal principle was personified it could use the symbolism of Kali Ma. Kali Ma as the most loving and phenomenal of Divine Mother energetics. A Love so deep and a Love so fierce.

Some people see Kali Ma as the Goddess of Destruction. I don’t experience her that way. I sense Kali Ma as very connected to our human experience and she is ever Loving. As the breath was breathed in matter we took on its density and since time we are learning to use consciousness to generate, transform, and regenerate. I see Kali Ma as having possession of a time lever… When the earth children get loss in streams of consciousness that generates more death than life, she (universal principle of cause/effect/time turns the lever of karma and all that we have created powerfully flows back into our collective field to be seen and cleared. Kali Ma is fierce protection and will use everything for our collective renewal.

I sense so deeply that when George Floyd was murdered by such callous cruelty and cried out for Mama, every Mother cell was awakened, from our little ones to the Archetype of the archetypes… I think Kali Ma heard George Floyd, and she put her hands on her hips and said; ‘ Children when it was up to you, (with all your creative abilities and you created this?) you left it up to me. I sense Kali Ma pulled the lever and let us know that our ‘time’ as we are living it is over… After you clean up your room you can come out kind of Kali Ma…

My great-niece …I think George Floyd called out for the Mother and was heard globally. Women and spirituals are so deeply conditioned to disown their anger. I think we need to own our anger and our disgust at the cruelty of our species and use it for fuel to move into action.

“E” had a trip to the dentist this morning.
While in the waiting room, a lady asked me if girls or boys were easier. Several others chimed in. Another lady mentioned that boys were much easier because teen girls were so dramatic.
“E” response to that: We are not dramatic, we are just mad. 🙄 (eye roll and all)
I mean, she has a point.. but keep in mind, she just turned 4 in May.”


flowers white and yellow

May we open to  the integrity to withdraw the projections we put on others and have a spine strong enough to withstand the projections of others until they can pull theirs back. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti….

“I have learned that an age in which politicians talk about peace is an age in which everybody expects war: the great men of the earth would not talk of peace so much if they did not secretly believe it possible, with one more war, to annihilate their enemies forever. Always, “after just one more war” it will dawn, the new era of love: but first everybody who is hated must be eliminated. For hate, you see, is the mother of their kind of love.

Unfortunately the love that is to be born out of hate will never be born. Hatred is sterile; it breeds nothing but the image of its own empty fury, its own nothingness. Love cannot come of emptiness. It is full of reality. Hatred destroys the real being of man in fighting the fiction which it calls “the enemy.” For man is concrete and alive, but “the enemy” is a subjective abstraction. A society that kills real men in order to deliver itself from the phantasm of a paranoid delusion is already possessed by the demon of destructiveness because it has made itself incapable of love. It refuses, a priori, to love. It is dedicated not to concrete relations of man with man, but only to abstractions about politics, economics, psychology, and even, sometimes, religion..”

– Thomas Merton, from Seeds
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“We must begin by frankly admitting that the first place in which to go looking for the world is not outside us but in ourselves. We are the world. In the deepest ground of our being we remain in metaphysical contact with the whole of that creation in which we are only small parts. Through our senses and our minds, our loves, needs, and desires, we are implicated, without possibility of evasion, in this world of matter and of men, of things and of persons, which not only affect us and change our lives but are also affected and changed by us…The question, then, is not to speculate about how we are to contact the world – as if we were somehow in outer space – but how to validate our relationship, give it a fully honest and human significance, and make it truly productive and worthwhile for our world.“

Thomas Merton- From Love and Living
photo: sparrow mattes


“There is in us an instinct for newness, for renewal, for a liberation of creative power. We seek to awaken in ourselves a force which really changes our lives from within. And yet the same instinct tells us that this change is a recovery of that which is deepest, most original, most personal in ourselves. To be born again is not to become somebody else, but to become ourselves.”

– Thomas Merton, from “Christian Humanism” in Love and Living.

photo: sparrow mattes



“It is useless to try to make peace with ourselves by being pleased with everything we have done. In order to settle down in the quiet of our own being we must learn to be detached from the results of our own activity. We must withdraw ourselves, to some extent, from effects that are beyond our control and be content with the good will and the work that are the quiet expression of our inner life. We must be content to live without watching ourselves live, to work without expecting an immediate reward, to love without an instantaneous satisfaction, and to exist without any special recognition.

“Thomas Merton, – from No Man is an Island
photo: sparrow mattes


“The only way to get rid of misconceptions about contemplation is to experience it. One who does not actually know, in his own life, the nature of this breakthrough and this awakening to a new level of reality cannot help being misled by most of the things that are said about it. For contemplation cannot be taught. It cannot even be clearly explained. It can only be hinted at, suggested, pointed to, symbolized. The more objectively and scientifically one tries to analyze it, the more he empties it of its real content, for this experience is beyond the reach of verbalization and of rationalization.

“ Thomas Merton – from New Seeds of Contemplation
Photo: sparrow mattes


Fairfield photo sparrow pink pony

Within man is the Soul of the Whole;
the Wise Silence,
the Universal Beauty,
to which every part and particle
is equally related;
The Eternal One….
